Paper 24 — Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit

P.264 – §1 On Uversa we divide all personalities
and entities of the Conjoint Creator into three grand divisions: the Higher
Personalities of the Infinite Spirit, the Messenger Hosts of Space, and
the Ministering Spirits of Time, those spirit beings who are concerned with
teaching and ministering to the will creatures of the ascendant scheme of
mortal progression.

P.264 – §2 Those Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit that
find mention in these narratives function throughout the grand universe
in seven divisions:

P.264 – §3 1. Solitary Messengers.

P.264 – §4 2. Universe Circuit Supervisors.

P.264 – §5 3. Census Directors.

P.264 – §6 4. Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit.

P.264 – §7 5. Associate Inspectors.

P.264 – §8 6. Assigned Sentinels.

P.264 – §9 7. Graduate Guides.

P.264 – §10 Solitary Messengers, Circuit Supervisors, Census Directors,
and the Personal Aids are characterized by the possession of tremendous
endowments of antigravity. The Solitary Messengers are without known general
headquarters; they roam the universe of universes. The Universe Circuit
Supervisors and the Census Directors maintain headquarters on the capitals
of the superuniverses. The Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit are stationed
on the central Isle of Light. The Associate Inspectors and the Assigned
Sentinels are respectively stationed on the capitals of the local universes
and on the capitals of their component systems. The Graduate Guides are
resident in the Havona universe and function on all its billion worlds.
Most of these higher personalities have stations in the local universes,
but they are not organically attached to the administrations of the evolutionary

P.264 – §11 Of the seven classes composing this group, only the
Solitary Messengers and perhaps the Personal Aids range the universe of
universes. Solitary Messengers are encountered from Paradise outward:
through the Havona circuits to the superuniverse capitals and thence out
through the sectors and local universes, with their subdivisions, and
even to the inhabited worlds. Although Solitary Messengers belong to the
Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit, their origin, nature, and
service have been discussed in the preceding paper.



P.265 – §1 The vast power currents of space and the
circuits of spirit energy may seem to operate automatically; they may
appear to function without let or hindrance, but such is not the case.
All these stupendous systems of energy are under control; they are subject
to intelligent supervision. Universe Circuit Supervisors are concerned,
not with the realms of purely physical or material energy–the domain
of the Universe Power Directors–but with the circuits of relative spiritual
energy and with those modified circuits which are essential to the maintenance
of both the highly developed spiritual beings and the morontia or transition
type of intelligent creatures. The supervisors do not give origin to circuits
of energy and superessence of divinity, but in general they have to do
with all higher spirit circuits of time and eternity and with all relative
spirit circuits concerned in the administration of the component parts
of the grand universe. They direct and manipulate all such spirit-energy
circuits outside the Isle of Paradise.

P.265 – §2 Universe Circuit Supervisors are the exclusive
creation of the Infinite Spirit, and they function solely as the agents
of the Conjoint Actor. They are personalized for service in the following
four orders:

P.265 – §3 1. Supreme Circuit Supervisors.

P.265 – §4 2. Associate Circuit Supervisors.

P.265 – §5 3. Secondary Circuit Supervisors.

P.265 – §6 4. Tertiary Circuit Supervisors.

P.265 – §7 The supreme supervisors of Havona and
the associate supervisors of the seven superuniverses are of completed
numbers; no more of these orders are being created. The supreme supervisors
are seven in number and are stationed on the pilot worlds of the seven
Havona circuits. The circuits of the seven superuniverses are in the charge
of a marvelous group of seven associate supervisors, who maintain headquarters
on the seven Paradise spheres of the Infinite Spirit, the worlds of the
Seven Supreme Executives. From here they supervise and direct the circuits
of the superuniverses of space.

P.265 – §8 On these Paradise spheres of the Spirit
the seven associate circuit supervisors and the first order of the Supreme
Power Centers effect a liaison which, under the direction of the Supreme
Executives, results in the sub-Paradise co-ordination of all material
and spiritual circuits passing out to the seven superuniverses.

P.265 – §9 On the headquarters worlds of each superuniverse
are stationed the secondary supervisors for the local universes of time
and space. The major and minor sectors are administrative divisions of
the supergovernments but are not concerned in these matters of spirit-energy
supervision. I do not know how many secondary circuit supervisors there
are in the grand universe, but on Uversa there are 84,691 of these beings.
Secondary supervisors are being created right along; from time to time
they appear in groups of seventy on the worlds of the Supreme Executives.
We obtain them on requisition as we arrange for the establishment of separate
circuits of spirit energy and liaison power to the newly evolving universes
of our jurisdiction.

P.265 – §10 A tertiary circuit supervisor functions
on the headquarters world of every local universe. This order, like the
secondary supervisors, is of continuous creation, being created in groups
of seven hundred. They are assigned to the local universes by the Ancients
of Days.

P.266 – §1 Circuit supervisors are created for their
specific tasks, and they eternally serve in the groups of their original
assignment. They are not rotated in service and hence make an agelong
study of the problems found in the realms of their original assignment.
For example: Tertiary circuit supervisor No. 572,842 has functioned on
Salvington since the early concept of your local universe, and he is a
member of the personal staff of Michael of Nebadon.

P.266 – §2 Whether acting in the local or higher
universes, circuit supervisors direct all concerned as to the proper circuits
to employ for the transmission of all spirit messages and for the transit
of all personalities. In their work of circuit supervision these efficient
beings utilize all agencies, forces, and personalities in the universe
of universes. They employ the unrevealed "high spirit personalities
of circuit control" and are ably assisted by numerous staffs composed
of personalities of the Infinite Spirit. It is they who would isolate
an evolutionary world if its Planetary Prince should rebel against the
Universal Father and his vicegerent Son. They are able to throw any world
out of certain universe circuits of the higher spiritual order, but they
cannot annul the material currents of the power directors.

P.266 – §3 The Universe Circuit Supervisors have
something of the same relationship to spirit circuits that the Universe
Power Directors have to material circuits. The two orders are complemental,
together having the oversight of all spirit and all material circuits
that are controllable and manipulatable by creatures.

P.266 – §4 The circuit supervisors exercise certain
oversight of those mind circuits which are spirit associated much as the
power directors have certain jurisdiction over those phases of mind which
are physical-energy associated–mechanical mind. In general the functions
of each order are expanded by liaison with the other, but the circuits
of pure mind are subject to the supervision of neither. Neither are the
two orders co-ordinate; in all their manifold labors the Universe Circuit
Supervisors are subject to the Seven Supreme Power Directors and their

P.266 – §5 While the circuit supervisors are entirely
alike within their respective orders, they are all distinct individuals.
They are truly personal beings, but they possess a type of other-than-Father-endowed
personality not encountered in any other type of creature in all universal

P.266 – §6 Although you will recognize and know them
as you journey inward towards Paradise, you will have no personal relations
with them. They are circuit supervisors, and they attend strictly and
efficiently to their business. They deal solely with those personalities
and entities having the oversight of those activities which are concerned
with the circuits subject to their supervision.



P.266 – §7 Notwithstanding that the cosmic mind of
the Universal Intelligence is cognizant of the presence and whereabouts
of all thinking creatures, there is operative in the universe of universes
an independent method of keeping count of all will creatures.

P.266 – §8 The Census Directors are a special and
completed creation of the Infinite Spirit, and they exist in numbers unknown
to us. They are so created as to be able to maintain perfect synchrony
with the reflectivity technique of the superuniverses,

P.267 – §0 while at the same time they are personally
sensitive and responsive to intelligent will. These directors, by a not-fully-understood
technique, are made immediately aware of the birth of will in any part
of the grand universe. They are, therefore, always competent to give us
the number, nature, and whereabouts of all will creatures in any part
of the central creation and the seven superuniverses. But they do not
function on Paradise; there is no need for them there. On Paradise knowledge
is inherent; the Deities know all things.

P.267 – §1 Seven Census Directors operate in Havona,
one being stationed on the pilot world of each Havona circuit. Excepting
these seven and the reserves of the order on the Paradise worlds of the
Spirit, all Census Directors function under the jurisdiction of the Ancients
of Days.

P.267 – §2 One Census Director presides at the headquarters
of each superuniverse, while subject to such a chief director are thousands
upon thousands, one on the capital of every local universe. All personalities
of this order are equal excepting those on the Havona pilot worlds and
the seven superuniverse chiefs.

P.267 – §3 In the seventh superuniverse there are
one hundred thousand Census Directors. And this number consists entirely
of those assignable to local universes; it does not include the personal
staff of Usatia, the superuniverse chief of all Orvonton directors. Usatia,
like the other superuniverse chiefs, is not directly attuned to the registration
of intelligent will. He is solely attuned to his subordinates stationed
in the Orvonton universes; thus he acts as a magnificent totaling personality
for their reports coming in from the capitals of the local creations.

P.267 – §4 From time to time the official recorders
of Uversa place on their records the status of the superuniverse as it
is indicated by the registrations in and upon the personality of Usatia.
Such census data is indigenous to the superuniverses; these reports are
transmitted neither to Havona nor to Paradise.

P.267 – §5 The Census Directors are concerned with
human beings–as with other will creatures–only to the extent of recording
the fact of will function. They are not concerned with the records of
your life and its doings; they are not in any sense recording personalities.
The Census Director of Nebadon, number 81,412 of Orvonton, now stationed
on Salvington, is at this very moment personally conscious and aware of
your living presence here on Urantia; and he will afford the records confirmation
of your death the moment you cease to function as a will creature.

P.267 – §6 Census Directors register the existence
of a new will creature when the first act of will is performed; they indicate
the death of a will creature when the last act of will takes place. The
partial emergence of will observed in the reactions of certain of the
higher animals does not belong to the domain of the Census Directors.
They keep count of nothing but bona fide will creatures, and they are
responsive to nothing but will function. Exactly how they register the
function of will, we do not know.

P.267 – §7 These beings always have been, and always
will be, Census Directors. They would be comparatively useless in any
other division of universe labor. But they are infallible in function;
they never default, neither do they falsify. And notwithstanding their
marvelous powers and unbelievable prerogatives, they are persons; they
have recognizable spirit presence and form.



P.268 – §1 We have no authentic knowledge as to the
time or manner of the creation of the Personal Aids. Their number must
be legion, but it is not of record on Uversa. From conservative deductions
based on our knowledge of their work, I venture to estimate that their
number extends high into the trillions. We hold the opinion that the Infinite
Spirit is not limited as to numbers in the creation of these Personal

P.268 – §2 The Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit
exist for the exclusive assistance of the Paradise presence of the Third
Person of Deity. Although attached directly to the Infinite Spirit and
located on Paradise, they flash to and fro to the uttermost parts of creation.
Wherever the circuits of the Conjoint Creator extend, there these Personal
Aids may appear for the purpose of executing the bidding of the Infinite
Spirit. They traverse space much as do the Solitary Messengers but are
not persons in the sense that the messengers are.

P.268 – §3 The Personal Aids are all equal and identical;
they disclose no differentiation of individuality. Though the Conjoint
Actor looks upon them as true personalities, it is difficult for others
to regard them as real persons; they do not manifest a spirit presence
to other spirit beings. Paradise-origin beings are always aware of the
proximity of these Aids; but we do not recognize a personality presence.
The lack of such a presence-form undoubtedly renders them all the more
serviceable to the Third Person of Deity.

P.268 – §4 Of all the revealed orders of spirit beings
taking origin in the Infinite Spirit, the Personal Aids are about the
only ones you will not encounter on your inward ascent to Paradise.



P.268 – §5 The Seven Supreme Executives, on the seven
Paradise spheres of the Infinite Spirit, collectively function as the
administrative board of supermanagers for the seven superuniverses. The
Associate Inspectors are the personal embodiment of the authority of the
Supreme Executives to the local universes of time and space. These high
observers of the affairs of the local creations are the joint offspring
of the Infinite Spirit and the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise. In the
near times of eternity seven hundred thousand were personalized, and their
reserve corps abides on Paradise.

P.268 – §6 Associate Inspectors work under the direct
supervision of the Seven Supreme Executives, being their personal and
powerful representatives to the local universes of time and space. An
inspector is stationed on the headquarters sphere of each local creation
and is a close associate of the resident Union of Days.

P.268 – §7 The Associate Inspectors receive reports
and recommendations only from their subordinates, the Assigned Sentinels,
stationed on the capitals of the local systems of inhabited worlds, while
they make reports only to their immediate superior, the Supreme Executive
of the superuniverse concerned.


P.268 – §8 The Assigned Sentinels are co-ordinating
personalities and liaison representatives of the Seven Supreme Executives.
They were personalized on Paradise by

P.269 – §0 the Infinite Spirit and were created for
the specific purposes of their assignment. They are of stationary numbers,
and there are exactly seven billion in existence.

P.269 – §1 Much as an Associate Inspector represents
the Seven Supreme Executives to a whole local universe, so in each of
the ten thousand systems of that local creation there is an Assigned Sentinel,
who acts as the direct representative of the far-distant and supreme board
of supercontrol for the affairs of all seven superuniverses. The sentinels
on duty in the local system governments of Orvonton are acting under the
direct authority of Supreme Executive Number Seven, the co-ordinator of
the seventh superuniverse. But in their administrative organization all
sentinels commissioned in a local universe are subordinate to the Associate
Inspector stationed at universe headquarters.

P.269 – §2 Within a local creation the Assigned Sentinels
serve in rotation, being transferred from system to system. They are usually
changed every millennium of local universe time. They are among the highest
ranking personalities stationed on a system capital, but they never participate
in deliberations concerned with system affairs. In the local systems they
serve as the ex officio heads of the four and twenty administrators hailing
from the evolutionary worlds, but otherwise, ascending mortals have little
contact with them. The sentinels are almost exclusively concerned in keeping
the Associate Inspector of their universe fully informed on all matters
relating to the welfare and state of the systems of their assignment.

P.269 – §3 Assigned Sentinels and Associate Inspectors
do not report to the Supreme Executives through a superuniverse headquarters.
They are responsible solely to the Supreme Executive of the superuniverse
concerned; their activities are distinct from the administration of the
Ancients of Days.

P.269 – §4 The Supreme Executives, Associate Inspectors,
and Assigned Sentinels, together with the omniaphim and a host of unrevealed
personalities, constitute an efficient, direct, centralized, but far-flung
system of advisory and administrative co-ordination of all the grand universe
of things and beings.



P.269 – §5 The Graduate Guides, as a group, sponsor
and conduct the high university of technical instruction and spiritual
training which is so essential to mortal attainment of the goal of the
ages: God, rest, and then eternity of perfected service. These highly
personal beings take their name from the nature and purpose of their work.
They are exclusively devoted to the tasks of guiding the mortal graduates
from the superuniverses of time through the Havona course of instruction
and training which serves to prepare the ascending pilgrims for admission
to Paradise and the Corps of the Finality.

P.269 – §6 I am not forbidden to undertake to tell
you of the work of these Graduate Guides, but it is so ultraspiritual
that I despair of being able to adequately portray to the material mind
a concept of their manifold activities. On the mansion worlds, after your
vision range is extended and you are freed from the fetters of material
comparisons, you can begin to comprehend the meaning of those realities
which "eye cannot see nor ear hear, and which have never entered
the concept of human minds," even those things which "God has
prepared for those who love such eternal verities." You are not always
to be so limited in the range of your vision and spiritual comprehension.

P.270 – §1 The Graduate Guides are engaged in piloting
the pilgrims of time through the seven circuits of Havona worlds. The
guide who greets you upon your arrival on the receiving world of the outer
Havona circuit will remain with you throughout your entire career on the
heavenly circuits. Though you will associate with countless other personalities
during your sojourn on a billion worlds, your Graduate Guide will follow
you to the end of your Havona progression and will witness your entrance
into the terminal slumber of time, the sleep of eternity transit to the
Paradise goal, where, upon awakening, you will be greeted by the Paradise
Companion assigned to welcome you and perhaps to remain with you until
you are initiated as a member of the Mortal Corps of the Finality.

P.270 – §2 The number of Graduate Guides is beyond
the power of human minds to grasp, and they continue to appear. Their
origin is something of a mystery. They have not existed from eternity;
they mysteriously appear as they are needed. There is no record of a Graduate
Guide in all the realms of the central universe until that far-distant
day when the first mortal pilgrim of all time made his way to the outer
belt of the central creation. The instant he arrived on the pilot world
of the outer circuit, he was met with friendly greetings by Malvorian,
the first of the Graduate Guides and now the chief of their supreme council
and the director of their vast educational organization.

P.270 – §3 On the Paradise records of Havona, in
the section denominated "Graduate Guides," there appears this
initial entry:

P.270 – §4 "And Malvorian, the first of this
order, did greet and instruct the pilgrim discoverer of Havona and did
conduct him from the outer circuits of initial experience, step by step
and circuit by circuit, until he stood in the very presence of the Source
and Destiny of all personality, subsequently crossing the threshold of
eternity to Paradise."

P.270 – §5 At that far-distant time I was attached
to the service of the Ancients of Days on Uversa, and we all rejoiced
in the assurance that, eventually, pilgrims from our superuniverse would
reach Havona. For ages we had been taught that the evolutionary creatures
of space would attain Paradise, and the thrill of all time swept through
the heavenly courts when the first pilgrim actually arrived.

P.270 – §6 The name of this pilgrim discoverer of
Havona is Grandfanda, and he hailed from planet 341 of system 84 in constellation
62 of local universe 1,131 situated in superuniverse number one. His arrival
was the signal for the establishment of the broadcast service of the universe
of universes. Theretofore only the broadcasts of the superuniverses and
the local universes had been in operation, but the announcement of the
arrival of Grandfanda at the portals of Havona signalized the inauguration
of the "space reports of glory," so named because the initial
universe broadcast reported the Havona arrival of the first of the evolutionary
beings to attain entrance upon the goal of ascendant existence.

P.270 – §7 Graduate Guides never leave the Havona
worlds; they are dedicated to the service of the graduate pilgrims of
time and space. And you will sometime meet these noble beings face to
face if you do not reject the certain and all-perfected plan designed
to effect your survival and ascension.



P.270 – §8 Though evolution is not the order of the
central universe, we believe that the Graduate Guides are the perfected
or more experienced members of another

P.271 – §0 order of central universe creatures, the
Havona Servitals. Graduate Guides show such a breadth of sympathy and
such a capacity for understanding the ascendant creatures that we are
convinced they have gained this culture by actual service in the superuniverse
realms as the Havona Servitals of universal ministry. If this view is
not correct, how then can we account for the continuous disappearance
of the senior or more experienced servitals?

P.271 – §1 A servital will be long absent from Havona
on superuniverse assignment, having been on many such missions previously,
will return home, be granted the privilege of "personal contact"
with the Paradise Central Shining, will be embraced by the Luminous Persons,
and disappear from the recognition of his spirit fellows, never more to
reappear among those of his kind.

P.271 – §2 On returning from superuniverse service,
a Havona Servital may enjoy numerous divine embraces and emerge therefrom
merely an exalted servital. Experiencing the luminous embrace does not
necessarily signify that the servital must translate into a Graduate Guide,
but almost one quarter of those who achieve the divine embrace never return
to the service of the realms.

P.271 – §3 There appears on the high records a succession
of such entries as this:

P.271 – §4 "And servital number 842,842,682,846,782
of Havona, named Sudna, came over from the superuniverse service, was
received on Paradise, knew the Father, entered the divine embrace, and
is not."

P.271 – §5 When such an entry appears on the records,
the career of such a servital is closed. But in just three moments (a
little less than three days of your time) a newborn Graduate Guide "spontaneously"
appears on the outer circuit of the Havona universe. And the number of
Graduate Guides, allowing for a slight difference, due no doubt to those
in transition, exactly equals the number of vanished servitals.

P.271 – §6 There is an additional reason for supposing
the Graduate Guides to be evolved Havona Servitals, and that is the unfailing
tendency of these guides and their associated servitals to form such extraordinary
attachments. The manner in which these supposedly separate orders of beings
understand and sympathize with one another is wholly inexplicable. It
is refreshing and inspiring to witness their mutual devotion.

P.271 – §7 The Seven Master Spirits and the associated
Seven Supreme Power Directors, respectively, are the personal repositories
of the mind potential and of the power potential of the Supreme Being
which he does not, as yet, operate personally. And when these Paradise
associates collaborate to create the Havona Servitals, the latter are
inherently involved in certain phases of Supremacy. Havona Servitals are
thus, in actuality, a reflection in the perfect central universe of certain
evolutionary potentialities of the time-space domains, all of which is
disclosed when a servital undergoes transformation and re-creation. We
believe that this transformation takes place in response to the will of
the Infinite Spirit, undoubtedly acting in behalf of the Supreme. Graduate
Guides are not created by the Supreme Being, but we all conjecture that
experiential Deity is in some way concerned in those transactions which
bring these beings into existence.

P.271 – §8 The Havona now traversed by ascending
mortals differs in many respects from the central universe as it was before
the times of Grandfanda. The arrival of mortal ascenders on the Havona
circuits inaugurated sweeping modifications

P.272 – §0 in the organization of the central and
divine creation, modifications undoubtedly initiated by the Supreme Being–the
God of evolutionary creatures–in response to the arrival of the first
of his experiential children from the seven superuniverses. The appearance
of the Graduate Guides, together with the creation of the tertiary supernaphim,
is indicative of these performances of God the Supreme.

P.272 – §1 [Presented by a Divine Counselor of Uversa.]